It's no wonder intimacy with my husband vanished and I caught him staring at younger women...after everything I did for him and our family!
I was trying to be perfect for everyone...only to look into the mirror and realize there was nothing perfect about me.
I was tired, dumpy, frumpy, and angry all the time...and that's when I knew
something needed to change. I couldn't be this person anymore.
And not only that, it had to be something realistic to
my hectic schedule. I couldn't just waive a wand and add more hours to the I scoured the internet looking for something faster and easier. There had to be something that would work for me!
Then one day I had my "
OMG! moment" when a friend shared an Instagram with me. The post was about the content creator's mom, and the incredible results she had using a "Breakfast Trick". I was hesitant to try it-, but with my health the way it was, I decided to make that leap...
Thank God I did!!!